Opening a world of possibilities with Iskratel as a preferred vendor

Over the last ten years, technological advancement across the world has been remarkable, with the number of devices that can be connected growing exponentially. As the year unfolds, demand will only increase for different types of streaming services and high bandwidth-consuming applications, such as virtual reality. Therefore, the need to support these forthcoming applications will continue to mount, and now more than ever, operators around the globe should be seeking to enter into prosperous partnerships with well-trusted, responsive and centrally located vendors.

Qualities of a vendor

It has been revealed that 98% of operators expect vendors to play a bigger role in driving forward their innovation. Not only this, but also expense, quality of services and products, and reliability must all be considered by a prospective partner. Operators should take an additional amount of time when selecting to work with a vendor and choose one that places significant attention and care on delivering a sustainable future.

Being a European-based vendor with manufacturing and research and development capabilities, Iskratel is well set to fulfil operators’ growing aspirations. In addition to meeting operators’ varying needs and complex requirements, Iskratel’s range of bespoke solutions with customised software-upgradeable products delivers the lowest five-year Total Cost of Ownership (TCO) and lowest OPEX in the market. Helping operators reduce up to 70% of OPEX throughout the prolonged lifecycle, Iskratel also helps operators outperform their competitors in service, quality, and price.

Reliability and sustainability are key

Operators must take due care and attention when picking a vendor and consider whether it has the reliability and sustainability it needs to succeed and stay ahead of its global competition. Kontr has a proven track record for meeting customer objectives and budgets, and delivering promises, on time. In light of the pandemic, at a time where reliable connectivity proved paramount and customers demanded unfailing connectivity, Iskratel helped operators soften the impact of uncertainty and disruption. The difficult period had no impact on Iskratel serving its customers dynamically or resulted in any delivery delays in projects it supplies, ensuring quality of service and business continuity.

On top of this, Iskratel understands the importance of environmentally sustainable and responsible action. All industry segments including telecommunications must recognise how crucial sustainable action is for the planet and for their business success. Operators must embrace sustainable practices and take a look at their current strategies. By being visible in how their actions impact the world, and how they are altering them to become more environmentally conscious, companies can in turn, strengthen their brand. Operators should look to work alongside a vendor that is determined to reduce its impact on the environment and utilises environmentally friendly technologies and products.

A bright future ahead

It is abundantly clear that in order for operators to reap the rewards that next-generation technologies promise, they must adopt a more dynamic approach when selecting the right product, solution or vendor to optimise efficiency and productivity. With great performance also brings peace of mind for operation teams, in order for future requirements to be met and surpassed.

As connectivity demands reach unprecedented levels year on year, Iskratel will help operators meet the challenges surrounding the new era with its robust, reliable and sustainable solutions. Being based in central Europe, Iskratel is accommodating, and can provide the availability and accessibility for operators’ varying time zones, wherever they are around the world. With the right technology in place, operators can address the connectivity demands of today, and beyond.