5G for Safety (PPDR)

Kontron developed new architectures and key technologies, as well as a business model for implementing an advanced dispatcher-as-a-service (DPaaS) for PPDR and a new generation of user-facing applications for citizens.

Public Protection and Disaster Relief (PPDR)

5G Safety is an EU-funded research and innovation project focused on reliable, 5G-enabled communications, services and applications tailored to the needs of the Public Protection and Disaster Relief (PPDR) professionals and citizens.

The project aims to develop new applications in heterogeneous environments with the migration strategy from narrowband networks (TETRA, DMR, GSM-R) to broadband technologies (4G/5G and beyond).

We provide for you

5G Safety is unique

Kontron designed new architectures and key technologies, along with a business model for the implementation of advanced Dispatcher-as-a-Service (DPaaS) for the PPDR, and a new generation of user-oriented applications for citizens.
5G Safety is unique in bringing together a winning ecosystem of 5G PPDR stakeholders to address realistic challenges and expectations, and consequently secure the success and sustainability of the project.

5G Safety in practice

Kontron identified and implemented five use cases that were agreed upon, coordinated, and verified with the consortium of partners and professional end users:

  • Automatic transmission of data context when calling 112,
  • Establishing a video call between a citizen and 112 staff,
  • Remote support services for first responders,
  • Heterogeneous communication, and
  • Search and rescue drones.