Changes in the performance of IT infrastructure can be caused by changed network conditions (increased workload, which can be the result of regular user activity, a configuration error or even abuse/attack), or by problems in the server infrastructure or a single application. These solutions enable you to identify and resolve any problems quickly.
They are particularly valuable in environments with a large number of remote locations that rely on centralised IT resources located at the organisation’s headquarters. In such settings, work efficiency depends on fast and reliable connections and the responsiveness of server farms and applications.
By analysing what is happening on the network, you can find you can identify the potential causes of reduced IT infrastructure performance.
Insight into IT resource usage trends facilitates a more accurate assessment of future capacity requirements.
Analysing the capacity and traffic flows on the network enables quick and easy detection of abuse.
The solutions serve as the foundation for ensuring compliance with the GDPR as well as other regulatory requirements, particularly in mission-critical IT infrastructure (e.g. SCADA).