SAP Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP)

Discover modern SAP ERP and other integrated SAP systems that can transform your business processes and provide comprehensive support for your business operations and decision-making.

Digital transformation with SAP ERP

SAP ERP is an IT platform used as the foundation for digital transformation by even the largest and most successful companies. Extensive industry knowledge aggregated in ready-to-use processes and best practices enable companies to focus on their business, products, services, customers, employees or innovative business models.

With its modular design and dedicated solutions, SAP ERP ensures that IT can support management ideas and open up new opportunities. At the same time, it provides operational stability and reliability while delivering transparent information required for correct decisions.

Why is Kontron the right partner to implement your SAP solution?

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We have been an SAP partner for more than 25 years

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SAP solutions can support environments in different industries

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We have the expertise to deliver all SAP modules, including the industry-specific solution SAP TM (Transportation Management).

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We provide rapid implementation in organizations across various sizes and industries.

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With SAP solutions, we ensure security by employing the latest security standards


We directly connect your SAP solution to unsupported parts of your business

Slovenia's Kontron partner companies are the world's leading providers

We Deliver What We Promise

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KOMPAS d.o.o.

Špela Kajtazovič, Executive Director of Finance, Accounting & IT

The Kontron team has demonstrated exceptional knowledge and skill in designing, implementing and adapting our SAP environment to the Kontron…

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Jaka Toman, Chief Information Officer

We have been cooperating with Kontron (formerly S&T Slovenija) in the field of ICT services for more than 15 years.…

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Aleš Sedej, Head of department Business and IT Solutions Support

S podjetjem Kontron sodelujemo že od same ustanovitve banke. So naš strateški partner s celovito aplikativno podporo bančnemu poslovanju SiBank…

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SAP Gregor Kopcavar

Gregor Kopčavar

Director of the Sector for SAP development and implementation

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SAP Valter Cvek

Valter Cvek

Head of SAP Department

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